The membership of the scientific and policy advisory panel is comprised of CAE Fellows and other thought leaders with significant expertise in the design and operation of buildings and community infrastructure, the distributed generation and storage of renewable energy and the associated economics, government policy and institutions. The 2021 panel is planning the webinar on low-carbon, positive energy resilient communities.
● Dr. Marianne Armstrong, National Research Council
● Dr. David Bristow, University of Victoria
● Waleed Giratalla, Green Municipal Fund, Federation of Canadian Municipalities
● Roland Charneaux, Pageux Morel, Montreal
● Chantal Guay, Standards Council of Canada
● Dr. Caroline Hachem-Vermette, University of Calgary
● Julie Hewlett, Technical Safety BC
● William Larson, Pacific NW Building Resilience Coalition
● Dwayne Torrey, Canadian Standards Association
● Harshan Radakrishnan, Engineers and Geoscientists BC